Meet Duty Ron: RETIRED NYPD DETECTIVE and 9-11 first responder

With over two decades of experience in law enforcement, Duty Ron brings a wealth of expertise to CrimeTime. His career 20 years in multiple divisons with in the department. Ron started his career on the streets, working patrol in a precinct that was hard knocks, averaging 350 homicides a year. before working in the NYS, NYPD joint parole task force. Capping off his LAST DECADE IN the NYPD WITH the (FED) Fugitive Enforcement Division. After retirement Ron has worked as the head of security for a large manufacturing warehouse in NYC.

Duty Ron's dedication to justice extends beyond his professional life; he actively engages with online communities, leveraging social media platforms to raise awareness about the missing, murdered, the victims, and how to crime prevention and public safety. His commitment to serving his community is matched only by his passion for educating and empowering others in the fight against crime.

If you've never watched CrimeTime with Duty Ron and Ed Wallace before, you're in for an eye-opening experience. Join Duty Ron and his co-host Ed Wallace as they unravel gripping True crime and law enforcement stories with their unique blend of expertise and insight. Whether you're a true crime enthusiast or simply curious about the world of law and crime - we have a show for you!

CrimeTime offers a captivating journey into the depths of criminal investigations. With Duty Ron and ed’s firsthand experience in law enforcement you'll gain a deeper understanding of the complexities behind every case.

Tune in to CrimeTime and follow Duty Ron for compelling analysis, engaging discussions, and an immersive exploration of the truth behind the headlines. It’s hard t0 believe but these two didn’t meet until a little over 3 years ago. But when they did, it was magic … You can see their first time meeting on a stream here

partners in Unraveling true Crime

duty Ron & Ed Wallace:

Who’s Ed Wallace:

Edward Wallace Jr., a distinguished NYPD veteran with over 20 years of service, retired in April 2004. During his tenure, he held various roles including Crime Scene Investigator and Counter Terrorism Investigator, achieving the esteemed rank of Detective First Grade. Wallace's career highlights include investigating 2,656 crime scenes, including the World Trade Center Attacks and the Anthrax Attack of October 2001.

As a forensic expert, he testified in 398 trials. Wallace's expertise extends to training law enforcement and health personnel on WMD topics and developing protocols for evidence collection and analysis. He is a certified senior crime scene analyst and has over 30 years of experience as an instructor, delivering training nationally and internationally on various investigative topics. In 2008, Wallace became the Director of Forensic Training at the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner, leading the development of a national forensic death investigation curriculum funded by the US Department of Justice.

Law Enforcement, NYPD

Partnerships and Collaborations:

We are proud to collaborate with organizations and experts in law enforcement, journalism, and crime prevention to bring our viewers the most comprehensive and informative coverage possible. If you're interested in partnering with CrimeTime, reach out to us to discuss opportunities for collaboration.